| 10:00 - 12:00 | |
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| Talk | | AutoRemind: Improving Student Academic Performance Through a Personalized and Automated Notification System Posters |
| Talk | | PLNQ: Defining Coding Katas using a Single Jupyter Notebook Posters |
| Talk | | Uncovering Opportunities for K-12 CS Professional Development in West African Schools.GlobalK12 Posters |
| Talk | | Characteristics and Effectiveness of Cheat Sheets for a Third-year Computer Graphics and Image Processing CourseGlobal Posters |
| Talk | | Towards a Quantum-Resistant Future: Experiences in Post-Quantum Cryptography Education Posters |
| Talk | | Creating a Joint-Faculty Artificial Intelligence Concentration within a Graduate Program Posters |
| Talk | | Integrating Computational Thinking, Project-Based Learning, and Cultural Heritage for Rural Middle School StudentsK12 Posters |
| Talk | | GradeSync: a Tool for Automating Incomplete Processing to Support Mastery Learning Posters |
| Talk | | Designing for 5th Grader Sports and Computing ExperiencesK12 Posters |
| Talk | | TheoryViz: A Visualizer Tool for Theory of Computing Concepts Posters |
| Talk | | Piloting Intergenerational Participatory Design with Students & Teachers to develop Integrated K-8 CS Learning ExperiencesK12 Posters |
| Talk | | Impact of Gender on OSS File Contributions Posters |
| Talk | | Engaging K-12 Learners in Data Annotation for AI Climate ModelsK12 Posters |
| Talk | | International Mobility for PhD Students: Key LearningsGlobal Posters |
| Talk | | Introducing Reinforcement Learning Concepts to Middle School Students with Game-Based LearningK12 Posters |
| Talk | | Untangling School Leaders’ Perception of AI Integration in K-12 EducationK12 Posters |
| Talk | | Intersectional Identities of Asian Americans Living with Mental Health Conditions in Computer Science Education Posters |
| Talk | | ChatGPT Comes to Campus: Unveiling Core Themes in AI Policies Across U.S. Universities with Large Language Models Posters |
| Talk | | Scalable Small-Group CS Tutoring System with AI Posters |
| Talk | | Computer Science Behind Bars: Lessons Learned from Teaching Incarcerated Students in Prisons and Jails Posters |
| Talk | | Bridging Simulation and Hardware: A Holistic Platform for Teaching in Computer Architecture and Operating Systems Posters |
| Talk | | CSEdD: CS Eduation Dashboard for Student Success, Retention, and Performance Investigations Posters |
| Talk | | Understanding the Effects of Integrating Music Programming and Web Development in a Summer Camp for High School StudentsK12 Posters |
| Talk | | Exploration of Undergraduate Teaching Assistant Identity and Teaching Goals in Data Science Courses Posters |
| Talk | | A Blueprint for Q-CS1, an Introductory Quantum Programming Course Posters |
| Talk | | From Code to Concepts: Textbook-Driven Knowledge Tracing with LLMs in CS1 Posters |
| Talk | | A SWOT Analysis of How a Research Practice Partnership Builds Trust and Cultivates Partnership Relationships Posters |
| Talk | | Portable Pedagogy: Teaching Computer Science Across Institutions Posters |
| Talk | | GRADE: Grading and Assessment of Database ER Diagrams Posters |
| Talk | | School Implementation Planning for Equitable AP CSPK12 Posters |
| Talk | | An IoT Sensing After-School Program - Impacts on Belonging and Confidence in Middle School StudentsK12 Posters |
| Talk | | An Analysis of K-12 Programming Education Utilizing the Minecraft Metaverse Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic Posters |
| Talk | | A Multi-modal Understanding of Emotions and Cognitive Engagement of Students during a Programming Task Posters |
| Talk | | Exploring ChatGPT as a Qualitative Research Assistant Posters |
| Talk | | Does ABET Accreditation Influence the Representation of Women in CS Programs? Posters |
| Talk | | (CANCELLED) Teaching Algorithms to Indigenous Students of Brazil's AmazonGlobal Posters |
| Talk | | Traversing New Horizons: An Exploration of Educational Policies on Generative AI Posters |
| Talk | | Developing a National Longitudinal Study on 6th-12th Grade Students' Motivation and Persistence in ComputingK12 Posters |
| Talk | | What Gets Them Talking? Identifying Catalysts for Student Engagement Within a Computing Ethics Course Posters |