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ACM Policy on Prior Publication and Simultaneous Submissions

Under no circumstances shall a paper (or substantially the same paper) be simultaneously submitted to two or more publications, or to a second publication while still under review elsewhere, without a letter of notification to the Editor-in-Chief (EiC) or Program Chair (PC) of each affected publication. Failure to adhere to this policy is cause for rejection of the manuscript. Repeated violations may lead to a ban on future submissions at the discretion of the EiC or PC.

The full policy at ACM:

ACM Policy on Authorship, Peer Review, Readership, and Conference Publication

Anyone listed as Author on an ACM manuscript submission must meet all the following criteria:

  • They have made substantial intellectual contributions to some components of the original work described in the manuscript; and
  • They have participated in drafting and/or revision of the manuscript and
  • They are aware the manuscript has been submitted for publication; and
  • They agree to be held accountable for any issues relating to the correctness or integrity of the work

The full policy at ACM:

ACM Publications Policy on Research Involving Human Participants and Subjects

It is the authors’ responsibility (each author individually and the authors collectively) to comply with and provide evidence of compliance with this Policy. Where local ethical review boards are required, authors are responsible for having their research reviewed and approved by such boards. Authors are also responsible for the overall ethical conduct of their research. All ACM Authors must be prepared to provide documentary evidence to ACM that they have adhered to local ethical and legal standards, as ACM may require documentary evidence of such approval at any time following submission of the Work and prior to or after publication of the Work.

The full policy at ACM:

Use of Generative AI Tools

Please refer to the page on generative AI tools for details.

Advance Publication of SIGCSE TS Proceedings

The official publication date is the date the proceedings are made available in the ACM Digital Library. This date may be up to two weeks prior to the first day of your conference. The official publication date affects the deadline for any patent filings related to published work.

Accepted Author Registration

By SIGCSE policy, at least one contributor is required to register, attend, and present a paper, poster, demo, or lightning talk if accepted. For papers designated for online presentation, the contributor need not attend in person, but must still register for the conference. For panels, special sessions, in-person tutorials, nifty assignments, birds-of-a-feather, and ACM Student Research Competition, all contributors are expected to attend the conference in person. For tutorials designated for online presentation, all presenters must register for the conference.

The full policy at SIGCSE: