Pittsburgh Information
Reaching the Conference Hotels and Convention Center from the Airport
Pittsburgh International Airport (PIT) is approximately 17 miles from downtown Pittsburgh. The airport authority is in the final stages in the construction of our new airport terminal opening later in 2025, not quite in time for the SIGCSE Symposium. Please follow posted signage and use caution as you navigate through the construction zones in the terminal and airport roadways.
Ride sharing and taxi services are available through Uber, Lyft, zTrip and Yellow Cab Co. of Pittsburgh. PIT does not have a light-rail line to the city, but Pittsburgh Regional Transit runs the 28X Airport Flyer (bus) approximately every 30-35 minutes that has stops in downtown Pittsburgh along Liberty Avenue, a few blocks from the Convention Center. All are accessible from the Baggage Claim/Ground Transportation area of the airport terminal.
For those who are driving to Pittsburgh, the city is accessible by I-376 westbound (via exit 57 on I-76), I-376 eastbound (via exit 59A on I-79) or I-279 southbound (via exit 72 from I-79 South). The Convention Center is located along the Allegheny River on Fort Duquesne Boulevard. Conference hotels are all within walking distance of the Convention Center.
Visitor Information
VISITPittsburgh will have a desk set up at the David L. Lawrence Convention Center Their representatives are able to provide a wealth of information about Pittsburgh.
Interested in trying something beyond a short walk? Pittsburgh Regional Transit runs light rail trains to the north and south of the city. There is a free fare zone throughout Downtown and the North Shore stations for Light Rail Transit. Fares are required for going south to Station Square and beyond. The closest light rail station to the Convention Center is Wood Street.
Image Source: Wikipedia (WT-shared) PerryPlanet and the creators of the Wikivoyage map template (Jpatokal and NJR ZA), CC BY-SA 4.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Our Local Arrangements Co-Chairs have put together the following information about visiting Pittsburgh. We hope that you find it helpful!
Most Important Items
- David L. Lawrence Convention Center - https://www.pittsburghcc.com/visitors/
- Visit Pittsburgh - https://www.visitpittsburgh.com/
- Pittsburgh Insider’s Guide (2025 edition) - https://www.visitpittsburgh.com/plan-your-trip/visitors-guide/
- Pittsburgh Regional Transit (Light Rail, Buses, Inclines) - https://www.rideprt.org/
- Pittsburgh International Airport - https://flypittsburgh.com/
- New Terminal Information - https://pittransformed.com/
Pittsburgh News/Weather/Local Interest
- Pennsylvania Traffic Conditions (choose Southwestern Region (Pittsburgh)) - https://www.511pa.com/
- Pittsburgh Weather Conditions (National Weather Service) - https://www.weather.gov/pbz/
- KDKA (CBS) - https://www.cbsnews.com/pittsburgh/
- WTAE (ABC) - https://www.wtae.com/
- WPXI (NBC) - https://www.wpxi.com/
- WPGH (FOX) - https://www.wpgh53.com/
- WQED (PBS) - https://www.wqed.org/
Near the Convention Center
- Art & Soul Cafe - https://gistcateringartandsoulcafe.com/
- Bae Bae’s Kitchen - https://baebaes.kitchen/
- Bakersfield - https://www.bakersfieldtacos.com/
- Bill’s Bar and Burger - https://www.billsbarandburger.com/location/bills-bar-and-burger-pittsburgh/
- Condado Tacos - https://locations.condadotacos.com/pa/971-liberty-ave
- The Eagle - https://www.eaglerestaurant.com/
- Pizza Bari - https://pizzabaripgh.com/
- Pizza Parma - https://downtown.pizzaparma.us/
- Sienna Mercado - https://www.siennamercato.com/
- Social House 7 - https://www.socialhouse7.com/
Cultural District
- Alihan’s Coffee and Breakfast - https://alihansbreakfast.com/
- Alihan’s Mediterranean Cuisine - https://alihanscuisine.com/
- Braddock’s Rebellion - https://braddocksrestaurant.com/
- Butcher & The Rye - https://butcherandtherye.com/
- Cafe Milano - https://pizzamilano.net/
- Con Alma - http://www.conalmapgh.com/
- Gaucho Parrilla Argentina - https://eatgaucho.com/
- Gi-jin - https://gi-jin.com/
- Giovanni’s Pizza and Pasta - https://www.ilovegiovannis.com/
- Mad Chicken - https://madchickenusa.com/home
- Meat & Potatoes - https://meatandpotatoespgh.com/
- Morton’s The Steakhouse - https://www.mortons.com/location/mortons-the-steakhouse-pittsburgh-pa/
- Olive or Twist - https://www.olive-twist.com/
- Redbeard’s on Sixth - https://redbeardspgh.com/
- Rosewater Middle Eastern Grill - https://rosewaterpgh.com/
- Täkō - https://takopgh.com/
Market Square
- Alta Via - https://www.altaviapgh.com/
- The Berg - https://thebergpizza.com/
- Blue Bird Kitchen - https://bluebirdkitchen.com/
- Café Momentum Pittsburgh - https://cafemomentum.org/pittsburgh/
- Cherries Diner - https://www.facebook.com/cherriesdiner/
- City Works - https://www.cityworksrestaurant.com/locations/pittsburgh/
- DiBella’s Subs - https://dibellas.com/menu/34332
- Emerson’s - https://www.emersonsonmarket.com/
- Ephesus Pizza (Fourth Avenue) - https://order.toasttab.com/online/ephesus-mediterranean-restaurant
- Five Guys - https://restaurants.fiveguys.com/3-ppg-place
- Hello Bistro (Downtown) - https://www.hellobistro.com/
- Las Velas - https://lasvelas-pittsburgh.com/
- Market Street Grocery - Food & Wine - https://www.marketstreetgrocery.com/
- Moe’s Southwest Grill - https://locations.moes.com/pa/pittsburgh/210-forbes-ave
- No. 1 Sushi Sushi - https://no1sushisushii.com/
- Noodles & Company - https://locations.noodles.com/pa/pittsburgh/476-mcmaster-way.html
- Original Oyster House - http://www.originaloysterhousepittsburgh.com/
- Pizzaiolo Primo Market Square - https://marketsquare.pizzaioloprimo.com/
- Primanti Bros. - https://order.primantibros.com/menu/primanti-bros-market-square
- Revel - https://revelpgh.com/
- Vallozzi’s Pittsburgh - https://vallozzis.com/pittsburgh/reservations
- Whiskey B’s Bar and Kitchen - https://whiskeybs.com/
- The Yard - http://www.theyardpgh.com/
- Yuzu Kitchen - https://www.yuzukitchenpgh.com/
Strip District
- BALVANERA - https://www.balvanerarestaurants.com/
- Bar Marco - https://www.barmarcopgh.com/
- Bella Notte - https://www.orderbellanotte.com/
- Cafe Raymond - https://caferaymond.com/
- Colangelo’s Pizza - https://colangelopgh.com/
- DiAnoia’s Eatery - https://dianoiaseatery.com/
- Edgar’s Best Tacos - https://www.facebook.com/EdgarsBestTacos/
- Iron Born Pizza & Pasta - https://ironbornpizza.com/
- Kaya - https://www.kaya.menu/
- Little Bangkok in the Strip - https://www.littlebangkokpittsburgh.com/
- Luke Wholey’s Wild Alaskan Grille - https://www.lukewholey.com/
- Maiku Vietnamese Pho - https://www.maikuvietnamesepho.com/
- Mullaney’s Harp & Fiddle Irish Pub - https://www.harpandfiddle.com/
- Novo Asian Food Hall - https://novoasianfoodhall.com/
- The PA Market - https://www.thepamarket.com/
- Pamela’s Diner - https://pamelasdiner.com/
- PaPa Js - https://www.papajs.com/
- Penn Avenue Fish Co - https://pennavefishcompany.com/
- Peppi’s - http://peppisubs.com/
- Pho Van Pittsburgh - https://phopittsburgh.com/
- Playa Bowls - https://www.playabowls.com/location/pittsburgh
- Preeti’s Pitt LLC - https://www.facebook.com/PreetisPittLLC/
- Primanti Bros. - https://order.primantibros.com/menu/primanti-bros-strip-district
- Roland’s Seafood Grill - https://www.rolandspittsburgh.com/
- Soluna 16th & Penn - https://solunapgh.com/
- S&D Polish Deli - https://www.sdpolishdeli.com/
- Smallman Street Deli - https://www.smallmanstreetdeli.com/
North Shore
Accessible by T for free from downtown, nearest station: Wood Street
- Bar Louie - https://www.barlouie.com/locations/us/pa/pittsburgh/north-shore
- Burgatory (North Shore) - https://burgatorybar.com/north-shore
- Federal Galley - https://www.federalgalley.org/
- The Foundry | Table & Tap - https://www.thefoundrypgh.com/
- Mike’s Beer Bar - https://mikesbeerbar.com/
- North Shore Tavern - https://northshoretavern.com/
- SoHo - https://sohopittsburgh.com/
- Southern Tier Brewery Pittsburgh - https://pittsburgh.stbcbeer.com/
- Tequila Cowboy - https://tequilacowboy.com/pittsburgh/
- Voodoo Brewing Company - Pittsburgh Pub - https://pittsburgh.voodoobrewery.com/
Shopping / Essentials
- CVS Pharmacy (Fifth Avenue) - https://www.cvs.com/store-locator/pittsburgh-pa-pharmacies/242-250-fifth-ave-pittsburgh-pa-15222/storeid=4008
- DGX Pittsburgh - Dollar General - https://www.dollargeneral.com/store-directory/pa/pittsburgh/22915
- Five Below - https://locations.fivebelow.com/pa/pittsburgh/440-smithfield-st
- Ravi’s (Everything You Need) - https://www.facebook.com/p/Ravis-100089925587416/
- Target - https://www.target.com/sl/pittsburgh-downtown/3392
Other Local Attractions
- Arcade Comedy Theater - https://www.arcadecomedytheater.com/
- August Wilson African American Cultural Center - https://awaacc.org/
- Benedum Center for the Performing Arts - https://trustarts.org/pct_home/visit/facilities/benedum
- Byham Theater - https://www.trustarts.org/pct_home/visit/facilities/byham
- Heinz Hall for the Performing Arts - https://trustarts.org/venues/heinz-hall
- Heinz History Center - https://www.heinzhistorycenter.org/
- Pittsburgh Public Theater at the O’Reilly Theater -https://ppt.org/
- Point State Park - https://www.dcnr.pa.gov/StateParks/FindAPark/PointStatePark/Pages/default.aspx
- Point State Park including the Fort Pitt Museum - https://www.heinzhistorycenter.org/visit/fort-pitt/
- PPG Paints Arena - home of the Pittsburgh Penguins - https://www.ppgpaintsarena.com/
- Wood Street Galleries - https://trustarts.org/pct_home/visual-arts/wood-street-galleries
North Shore
- Acrisure Stadium (formerly Heinz Field) - Home of the Pittsburgh Steelers - https://acrisurestadium.com/
- Andy Warhol Museum - https://www.warhol.org/
- Carnegie Science Center / Highmark Sportsworks https://carnegiesciencecenter.org/
- Children’s Museum - https://pittsburghkids.org/
- Mattress Factory - https://mattress.org/
- Moonshot Museum - https://moonshotmuseum.org/
- Museum of Illusions - https://moipittsburgh.com/
- National Aviary - https://www.aviary.org/
- PNC Park - home of the Pittsburgh Pirates - https://www.mlb.com/pirates/ballpark
- Randyland - https://randyland.club/
- Rivers Casino - https://www.riverscasino.com/pittsburgh/
- Stage AE - https://promowestlive.com/pittsburgh/stage-ae
South Shore
- Duquesne Incline - https://www.duquesneincline.org/
- Highmark Stadium - home of the Pittsburgh Riverhounds - https://highmarkstadium.com/
- Monongahela Incline - spectacular views of the city from Mount Washington - https://monongahelaincline.com/
- Station Square - https://www.stationsquare.com/
Oakland (or Eastern Neighborhoods as indicated)
- Carnegie Mellon University - School of Computer Science - https://www.cs.cmu.edu/
- Carnegie Museum of Art - https://carnegieart.org/
- Carnegie Museum of Natural History - https://carnegiemnh.org/
- Frick Museum and Gardens (Point Breeze) - https://www.thefrickpittsburgh.org/
- Phipps Conservatory and Botanic Gardens - https://www.phipps.conservatory.org/
- Pittsburgh Zoo & Aquarium (Highland Park) - https://www.pittsburghzoo.org/
- Rivers of Steel: Carrie Blast Furnaces National Historic Landmark (Swissvale/Rankin) - https://riversofsteel.com/attractions/carrie-furnaces/
- Soldiers and Sailors Memorial Hall and Museum - https://www.soldiersandsailorshall.org/
- University of Pittsburgh - Cathedral of Learning - https://www.tour.pitt.edu/tour/cathedral-learning