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This year we are pleased to highlight previously published journal articles from the following outlet as part of the technical symposium’s program:


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Thu 27 Feb

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10:45 - 12:00
ACM TOCE: Ethics, Power, and PersistenceJournal First at Meeting Room 327
A Realist Review of Undergraduate Student Attitudes towards Ethical Interventions in Technical Computing Courses
Journal First
Aadarsh Padiyath University of Michigan - Ann Arbor
Retaining Black women in computing: A comparative analysis of interventions for computing persistenceMSI
Journal First
Susan Fisk Kent State University, Brittany Watts Hartford International University, Courtney Dress Kent State University, Charlotte Lee Indiana University, Audrey Rorrer University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Tom McKlin The Findings Group, Tiffany Barnes North Carolina State University, Jamie Payton
“Show them the playbook that these companies are using”: Youth Voices about why Technology Education Must Center Discussions of Power, Ethics, and Culturally Responsive ComputingMSI
Journal First
Jean Ryoo UCLA Computer Science Equity Project, Takeria Blunt Georgia Institute of Technology
Teaching Ethics in Computing: A Systematic Literature Review of ACM Computer Science Education Publications
Journal First
Noelle Brown University of Utah, Benjamin Xie Stanford University, Ella Sarder University of Colorado Boulder, Casey Fiesler University of Colorado Boulder, Eliane Wiese University of Utah
13:45 - 15:00
ACM TOCE: Problem Solving, Practice, and FeedbackJournal First at Meeting Room 327
Automated Grading and Feedback Tools for Programming Education: A Systematic ReviewGlobal
Journal First
Marcus Messer King's College London, Neil Brown King's College London, Michael Kölling King's College London, Miaojing Shi Tongji University
Computational Thinking and Notional Machines: The Missing LinkGlobal
Journal First
Bhagya Munasinghe Wayamba University of Sri Lanka, Tim Bell University of Canterbury, Anthony Robins University of Otago
Intent and Extent: Computer Science Concepts and Practices in Integrated Computing
Journal First
Lauren Margulieux Georgia State University, Yin-Chan Liao Georgia State University, Erin Anderson Georgia State University, Miranda Parker San Diego State University, Brendan Calandra Georgia State University
Why Students Cannot Easily Integrate Component Skills: An Investigation of the Composition Effect in ProgrammingGlobal
Journal First
Yun Huang Austral University of Chile, Christian Schunn University of Pittsburgh, Julio Guerra Austral University of Chile, Peter Brusilovsky University of Pittsburgh

Sat 1 Mar

Displayed time zone: Eastern Time (US & Canada) change

13:45 - 15:00
ACM TOCE: Identity, Careers, and LearningJournal First at Meeting Room 327
Can students without prior knowledge use ChatGPT to answer test questions? An empirical studyGlobal
Journal First
Abdulhadi Shoufan Khalifa University
CS=Me: Exploring Factors that Shape Black Women’s CS Identity at the Intersections of Race and GenderMSI
Journal First
Krystal Williams University of Georgia, Edward Dillon Morgan State University, Shanice Carter University of Alabama, Janelle Jones University of Alabama, Shelly Melchior Georgia Tech
What Learning Strategies are Used by Programming Students? A Qualitative Study Grounded on the Self-regulation of Learning TheoryGlobal
Journal First
Leonardo Silva University of Coimbra, António Mendes University of Coimbra, Anabela Gomes University of Coimbra, Gabriel Fortes Universidad Alberto Hurtado
You're Hired! A Phenomenographic Study of Undergraduate Students' Pathways to Job Attainment in Computing
Journal First
Stephanie Lunn Florida International University, Ellen Zerbe Georgia Institute of Technology, Monique Ross The Ohio State University

Accepted Papers

A Realist Review of Undergraduate Student Attitudes towards Ethical Interventions in Technical Computing Courses
Journal First
Automated Grading and Feedback Tools for Programming Education: A Systematic ReviewGlobal
Journal First
Can students without prior knowledge use ChatGPT to answer test questions? An empirical studyGlobal
Journal First
Computational Thinking and Notional Machines: The Missing LinkGlobal
Journal First
CS=Me: Exploring Factors that Shape Black Women’s CS Identity at the Intersections of Race and GenderMSI
Journal First
Intent and Extent: Computer Science Concepts and Practices in Integrated Computing
Journal First
Retaining Black women in computing: A comparative analysis of interventions for computing persistenceMSI
Journal First
“Show them the playbook that these companies are using”: Youth Voices about why Technology Education Must Center Discussions of Power, Ethics, and Culturally Responsive ComputingMSI
Journal First
Teaching Ethics in Computing: A Systematic Literature Review of ACM Computer Science Education Publications
Journal First
What Learning Strategies are Used by Programming Students? A Qualitative Study Grounded on the Self-regulation of Learning TheoryGlobal
Journal First
Why Students Cannot Easily Integrate Component Skills: An Investigation of the Composition Effect in ProgrammingGlobal
Journal First
You're Hired! A Phenomenographic Study of Undergraduate Students' Pathways to Job Attainment in Computing
Journal First