Affiliated EventsSIGCSE TS 2025
SIGCSE TS 2025 - Affiliated Events
Affiliated Events (including formerly separate “Pre-Symposium Events”) are a venue for SIGCSE sub-communities or groups to arrange a time and place to gather and present or discuss topics of interest. This sometimes happens within the context of a meal or reception during the conference. We encourage submissions for events focusing on existing and emerging subfields, areas and groups of diversity, and bringing together communities of practice. We especially encourage events that help to develop new faculty and leaders in computing education.
The SIGCSE TS 2025 organizers encourage submission of proposals, which must include a description of the event, its importance and relevance to the Symposium and SIGCSE community, the proposed organizing committee (if applicable), and the proposed format for the event. The SIGCSE TS 2025 organizers will assign an appropriate room. Affiliated Event organizers are expected to arrange for and cover the cost of the room, room setup/breakdown, food, and/or A/V. Organizers are also responsible for handling all Affiliated Event websites, submissions, decisions, notifications, and publications.
Proposals for Affiliated Events to the Technical Symposium undergo review, the process for which is not anonymous. Affiliated Events are selected on a rolling basis. Acceptance criteria is based on availability of space meeting the event requirements and relevance of the event to the SIGCSE community.
If an Affiliated Event is accepted, the Affiliated Event organizers invite members of the sub-community to participate in the event, possibly through a Call for Participation inviting members to submit papers, posters, or applications for participation. Event organizers are responsible for handling all organization of their events, including websites, the review process if the event solicits contributions, and participant organization. Event organizers have the option of using the Technical Symposium registration system for registration or an independent system. Affiliated Event organizers will work with the SIGCSE TS 2025 Affiliated Events co-chairs for coordinating contact information (e.g. contacts for room setup/breakdown; catering; A/V) . The SIGCSE TS will include the title, organization, abstract, and date/time for the Affiliated Event and presenters in the overall schedule on the Symposium website.
All attendees at accepted affiliated events must also be registered for SIGCSE TS 2025. This is the responsibility of the affiliated event organizers and attendance at SIGCSE TS 2025 should be included in promotional materials for affiliated events.
How Should the Proposal Be Submitted?
Proposal requests and the full PDF proposal should be submitted via the Affiliated Events Proposal form. This form includes a required set of questions that must be included for approval of the event.
Wed 26 FebDisplayed time zone: Eastern Time (US & Canada) change
08:30 - 17:00 | Eleventh SPLICE Workshop on Technology and Data Infrastructure for CS Education ResearchAffiliated Events at Meeting Rooms 306-307 Event URL: | ||
08:30 8h30mOther | Eleventh SPLICE Workshop on Technology and Data Infrastructure for CS Education Research Affiliated Events Cliff Shaffer Virginia Tech, Peter Brusilovsky University of Pittsburgh, Ken Koedinger Carnegie Mellon University, Thomas Price North Carolina State University, Tiffany Barnes North Carolina State University |
08:30 - 15:00 | Professional Development Pre-Symposium Event for Teaching-Track FacultyAffiliated Events at Meeting Rooms 317-318 Event URL: TBA | ||
08:30 6h30mOther | Professional Development Pre-Symposium Event for Teaching-Track Faculty Affiliated Events Geoffrey Herman University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Borja Sotomayor University of Chicago, A: Jennifer Campbell University of Toronto, Lisa Yan University of California, Berkeley, Logan Paul Indiana University Bloomington, Jeffrey Turkstra Purdue University |
08:45 - 17:00 | Humanitarian Open Source in EducationAffiliated Events at Meeting Rooms 319-321 Event URL: | ||
08:45 8h15mOther | Humanitarian Open Source in Education Affiliated Events Gregory W. Hislop Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA, USA, Heidi J.C. Ellis Western New England University, Springfield, MA, USA, Grant Braught Dickinson College, Darci Burdge Nassau Community College, Herman Jackson Western New England University, Cam Macdonell MacEwan University, Lori Postner Nassau Community College, Wes Turner Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Karl Wurst Worcester State University |
09:00 - 16:00 | |||
09:00 7hOther | Accessibility and Disability in CS Education Affiliated Events Brianna Blaser University of Washington, Maya Cakmak University of Washington, Richard Ladner University of Washington, Amy Ko University of Washington, Stacy Branham University of California, Irvine, Raja Kushalnagar Gallaudet University |
09:00 - 17:00 | Innovations and Opportunities in Liberal Arts Computing EducationAffiliated Events at Meeting Rooms 302-303 Event URL: | ||
09:00 8hOther | Innovations and Opportunities in Liberal Arts Computing Education Affiliated Events Jakob Barnard University of Jamestown, Grant Braught Dickinson College, Janet Davis Whitman College, Matthew Ferland , Olive Franzese Northwestern University, Amanda Holland-Minkley Washington & Jefferson College, Karl Schmitt Trinity Christian College, Andrea Tartaro Furman University, Jim Teresco Siena College |
09:00 - 16:00 | |||
09:00 7hOther | SIGCSE Department Chairs Roundtable Affiliated Events |
09:30 - 12:30 | Multiple Approaches for Teaching Responsible Computing - A WorkshopAffiliated Events at Meeting Room 324 Event URL: | ||
09:30 3hOther | Multiple Approaches for Teaching Responsible Computing - A Workshop Affiliated Events Michelle Trim UMass Amherst, Stacy Doore Colby College, Atri Rudra University at Buffalo, SUNY, Richard Blumenthal Regis University, Joycelyn Streator Prairie View A&M University, Bobby Schnabel |
13:00 - 17:00 | Conducting High-quality Education Research in Computing Designed to Support CS for AllAffiliated Events at Meeting Room 324 Event URL: | ||
13:00 4hOther | Conducting High-quality Education Research in Computing Designed to Support CS for All Affiliated Events Monica McGill Institute for Advancing Computing Education, Sarah Heckman North Carolina State University, Jennifer Rosato University of Minnesota, Julie Smith Institute for Advancing Computing Education, Isabella White North Carolina State University |
13:00 - 17:45 | Collaboratively Developing Dynamic and Interactive Materials for Dive into SystemsAffiliated Events at Meeting Room 327 Event URL: | ||
13:00 4h45mOther | Collaboratively Developing Dynamic and Interactive Materials for Dive into SystemsGlobal Affiliated Events Suzanne Matthews United States Military Academy, Tia Newhall Swarthmore College, Kevin Webb Swarthmore College |
13:00 - 17:00 | Equitable Grading Community of Practice Meeting - Year 2Affiliated Events at Meeting Rooms 310-311 Event URL: | ||
13:00 4hOther | Equitable Grading Community of Practice Meeting - Year 2 Affiliated Events Stephen Edwards Virginia Tech, Adrienne Decker University at Buffalo, Manuel A. Pérez-Quiñones UNC Charlotte, Bob Edmison Virginia Tech, Audrey Rorrer UNC Charlotte |
13:00 - 17:00 | 2nd Annual MS Pathways to Computing Consortium ConveningAffiliated Events at Meeting Rooms 315-316 Event URL: | ||
13:00 4hOther | 2nd Annual MS Pathways to Computing Consortium Convening Affiliated Events Caitlin J. Kidder Center for Inclusive Computing at Northeastern University, Elizabeth Hawthorne , Jodi Tims Northeastern University |
17:00 - 18:15 | Reimagining CS Pathways: Every Student Prepared for a World Powered by ComputingAffiliated Events at Meeting Rooms 317-318 Event URL: | ||
17:00 75mOther | Reimagining CS Pathways: Every Student Prepared for a World Powered by Computing Affiliated Events Bryan Twarek Computer Science Teachers' Association, Julie Smith Institute for Advancing Computing Education, Jacob Koressel Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA), Monica McGill Institute for Advancing Computing Education |
Thu 27 FebDisplayed time zone: Eastern Time (US & Canada) change
07:30 - 08:30 | |||
07:30 60mOther | BPC Alliance Accelerator Affiliated Events Brianna Blaser University of Washington, Wendy Dubow NCWIT, Sarah Dunton , Renee Jordan Institute for African American Mentoring in CS |
Fri 28 FebDisplayed time zone: Eastern Time (US & Canada) change
18:00 - 19:00 | Consortium for Computing Sciences in Colleges (CCSC) Business MeetingAffiliated Events at Executive Conference Room at the Westin | ||
18:00 60mOther | Consortium for Computing Sciences in Colleges (CCSC) Business Meeting Affiliated Events |
18:00 - 19:00 | |||
18:00 60mOther | Minority Serving Institutions (MSI) MeetingMSI Affiliated Events |
19:00 - 21:00 | |||
19:00 2hOther | Community College ReceptionCC Affiliated Events |
Accepted Papers
Deadlines and Submissions
Proposal requests and the full PDF proposal should be submitted via the Affiliated Events Proposal form no later than Monday, 14 October 2024. This form includes a required set of questions that must be included for approval of the event. The track chairs reserve the right to desk reject submissions that are incomplete after the deadline has passed..
Important Dates
Due Date | Monday, 14 October 2024 |
Due Time | 23:59 AoE (Anywhere on Earth, UTC-12h) |
Notification to Authors | Monday, 18 November 2024 tentative |
Submission Link | |
Event Proposal Content and Format
How Should The Proposal Be Formatted?
The full proposal contains an abstract and a body that describes the event (as detailed below). The full proposal is used for the review process only. If the proposal is accepted, the abstract is the description that appears on the Symposium website and in the program. The format for the proposal is as follows.
- Title: A title for the Affiliated Event. The title will appear on the symposium website.
- Abstract: A description of the event. The abstract is the description of the event that will appear on the Symposium website. The abstract for an accepted proposal is encouraged to contain a URL for a web page with more information. (Abstracts of accepted events can be edited in response to feedback.)
- Proposer(s): Include name, affiliation, email address, and website address. You should expect most correspondence related to the conference to arrive via email.
- Event URL: List the anticipated URL for your event website here. Please include the requirement that attendees for your event must register for SIGCSE TS 2025 on your website and all requests for participation.
- Significance and Relevance of the Event Topic/Purpose: Please include information about any trends in relation to the subfield and possibly describe (or cite) evidence to that effect. Your objective here is to explain why the event or community served is significant.
- Intended Audience: Briefly describe the nature and size of the intended/expected audience. This information will help gauge the level of interest the SIGCSE Technical Symposium attendees will have in the Event.
- Attendance: Give an estimate of the total number of participants you expect at your event.
- Billing address: address/ city/ state/ zip code/ country Required by the ACM
- Name & email address for invoice: Required by the ACM
- Expertise of Organizer(s): Give a summary of the qualifications of the organizer(s) as it relates to the event being proposed.
- Rough Agenda for the Event: Timing details would be helpful here. Explain what the attendees can expect. Be sure to budget a realistic amount of time for questions from attendees.
- Event Time Preference: You have the choice between:
- Wednesday (day or evening);
- Breakfast (on Thursday, Friday, or Saturday as scheduled by the Affiliated Events Chairs);
- Reception (Friday);
- Other time ideas (note that events conflicting with significant Symposium program activities will be rejected)
- Registration: Please indicate if registration for your event will be handled by the Technical Symposium registration system or through an independent registration system managed by the event organizers. Please note the following:
- If you plan to allow attendees to register for your event using the Technical Symposium registration system, please indicate if you would like an additional fee to be charged to registrants.
- If you plan to operate an independent registration system, event organizers are required to send their rosters to the Registration Team ( prior to the Technical Symposium in order to verify that all event participants have also registered for the symposium.
- Note that any affiliated event fees collected from registrants by the Technical Symposium will be used to offset the fee for this event. Organizers will be billed for any shortfall in fees collected. Any fees collected in excess of the affiliated event fee will be retained by the Technical Symposium. Events that need to collect a registration fee from attendees to cover costs beyond the affiliated event fee (such as food and beverage) must operate their own registration system as the Technical Symposium is unable to use amounts collected to cover anything other than the affiliated event fee.
- Virtual or In-Person: Please indicate if your event will be virtual or in-person in Pittsburgh. The modality cannot be changed once your event has been accepted. We cannot support hybrid affiliated events due to the technology, production, and platform costs. Organizers of virtual events are responsible for making their own technical arrangements for the event such as ensuring that they have the necessary software to host it.
- For In-Person Events:
- Audio/Visual and Room Setup Requirements: Please enter these to help find the right room/space for your event. As stated above, you will be responsible for ensuring the room is set up for your needs. However, knowing your requirements may enable the Symposium organizers to schedule your event in space that will reduce your costs.
- Proposers of hands-on events should indicate which of the following formats they wish for their event:
- Laptop Required. Participants should bring a laptop computer to participate in this event.
- Laptop Optional. It is not necessary for participants to bring laptops to this event.
The logistics information for Affiliated Events is detailed below. Once the event is accepted the Affiliated Events Chairs will contact organizers for further details about logistics including invoicing.
For in-person events, the charge is per room for the event. The charge covers the room and minimal A/V for the room.
- Full Day: $1250
- Half Day: $625
- Reception (0-2 hours): $625
Room setup/breakdown and A/V for the room will be coordinated by the event organizers directly with the venue.
For virtual events, the charge is minimal and needed to contribute to the cost of the website content management system.
- Virtual Event: $250
Room Setup/Layout
Rooms will have a default setup. Any requested changes to the layout may incur fees. Any change fees are the responsibility of the event organizers.
Audio/Visual Setup
Any additional A/V costs beyond the default setup will be the responsibility of the event organizers and must be coordinated directly with the venue.
Food and Beverage
Food and beverage will be managed and coordinated (e.g., ordered and paid for) by the event organizers directly with the venue.
Event organizers have the choice of handling registration independently or by using the SIGCSE Technical Symposium registration system.