Registered user since Sun 9 Oct 2022
Dr. Manuel A. Pérez Quiñones is a Professor of Software and Information Systems at UNC at Charlotte, and long time member of the SIGCSE community (his first publication at the Technical Symposium was in 1990). His research interests include human-computer interaction, CS education, and diversity issues in computing. He holds a DSc from The George Washington and a BA & MS from Ball State. Before joining UNCC, he worked at Virginia Tech, University of Puerto Rico-Mayaguez, and as a Computer Scientist at the Naval Research Lab. He currently serves on the Committee on Women in Science, Engineering and Medicine at the National Academies. He has served as Program Officer at NSF. He also served on the SIGCSE Board (2019-2022), was Program Co-Chair for the SIGCSE Technical Symposium 2018 and Symposium Co-Chair in 2019, and Program Chair for the 2014 Tapia Conference. His efforts to diversify computing have been recognized with an ACM Distinguished Member status (2019); the CRA A. Nico Habermann award (2018); and the Richard A. Tapia Achievement Award (2017). He is originally from San Juan, Puerto Rico.
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