How Teachers Integrate Data Science into Their Instruction for Middle-Grades LearnersK12
This program is tentative and subject to change.
This poster presents Teacher Education for Data Science (TEDS), a study conducted with a cohort of teachers who developed ways to incorporate new data fluency approaches to teaching and learning in multiple middle school subjects. In a four-session online professional development sequence, teachers learned how to use a web-based collaborative data visualization platform; developed a data-intensive unit for their existing middle school curriculum; implemented this unit with their students; and shared reflections with fellow teachers and the researchers. We describe how we supported the teachers in a successful co-design process. Data gathered included a pre/post survey; individual 30-minute post-interviews with each teacher; and teacher instructional artifacts. Teachers reported on student agency as they entering their data into the collaborative platform and how students found real-world import in their data. To accomplish more student fluency with data in the middle school, we recommend more such technology-supported curriculum integration approaches.