| 15:00 - 17:00 | |
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| Talk | | Student Usage of Metacognition-Promoting Tool in a CS2 Course and its Relationship with Performance Posters |
| Talk | | From Typing to Insights: An Interactive Code Visualization for Enhanced Student Support Using Keystroke Data Posters |
| Talk | | Crafting for Career Agility: An Outcome-Based Redesign of a Machine Learning Curriculum within a Program Bundle Posters |
| Talk | | Facilitators and Barriers for Integrating Technology Education into K-5 ClassroomsK12 Posters |
| Talk | | What CS Teachers Want in a CS Professional Development Passport Posters |
| Talk | | ChartCode: A Flowchart-Based Tool for Introductory Programming Courses Posters |
| Talk | | Detecting Programming Plans in Open-ended Code Submissions Posters |
| Talk | | Collaborative CS Professional Development Across Three Cohorts Posters DOI |
| Talk | | Exploring LLMs Impact on Student-Created User Stories and Acceptance Testing in Software Development Posters |
| Talk | | Cultivating Sense of Belonging in Computing Education: Identifying Servingness Traits Among Community College PopulationCC Posters |
| Talk | | Experiences teaching a course on Algorithms, Ethics, and Society Posters |
| Talk | | The Role of Virtual Reality in Enhancing Computer Science Education Posters |
| Talk | | Using Peer Tutoring to Bolster Retention Rates and Student Performance in CS1 courses Posters |
| Talk | | On a Time Crunch: Examining Learning Outcomes Within a One Unit Computing Ethics Course Posters |
| Talk | | Describing the Experience of Instructional Coaches in Supporting Elementary Coding Posters |
| Talk | | Hacking Student Leadership: Peer Mentorship and Leadership Skill Development Among Hackathon Organizers Posters |
| Talk | | Empowering CS1 Educators: Enhancing Automated Feedback Instruction with Cognitive Load Theory Posters |
| Talk | | Iterative Development of an Evaluative Checklist for Integrated Computer Science Lessons in K-8K12 Posters |
| Talk | | Computer Science Faculty Perspectives on Undergraduate Student Mental Health Posters |
| Talk | | Day of AI Australia: Teacher Insights from a Nation-Wide AI Literacy Program for K-12 StudentsK12 Posters |
| Talk | | Raising the Bar: Automating Consistent and Equitable Student Support with LLMs Posters |
| Talk | | Ethics in Motion Interactive Software for Ethical Decision-Making in Autonomous Vehicles Posters |
| Talk | | An Undergraduate Course on Computer Architecture Posters |
| Talk | | Using LLMs to Detect the Presence of Learning Outcomes in Submitted Work Within Computing Ethics Courses Posters |
| Talk | | Scaling Academic Decision-Making with NLP: Automating Transfer Credit Evaluations Posters |
| Talk | | The Evolving Usage of GenAI by Computing Students Posters |
| Talk | | Rightsizing: Understanding Novice, Casual Learners of Programming Posters |
| Talk | | Generating AI Literacy MCQs: A Multi-Agent LLM Approach Posters |
| Talk | | EclipseMonitor: A Real-Time Student Programming Environment Data Collection Tool Posters |
| Talk | | Pencil Puzzles as a Context in Upper-level Core Computing Courses at Multiple Institutions Posters |
| Talk | | Evaluating GenAI’s Effectiveness for Students with Varied Programming Backgrounds in a Software Development Course Posters |
| Talk | | Scaffolding Mock Conference Projects in Theory of Computing Courses Posters |
| Talk | | Enabling Professional Growth and Identity of High School CS Teachers through One-on-One CoachingK12 Posters |
| Talk | | Designing an Multi-Modal Community for Black Undergraduate Women in Computing at a Predominantly-White UniversityMSI Posters |
| Talk | | A Scaffolding-based Approach for Addressing Challenges of Service Learning Adoption Posters |
| Talk | | Exploring K-12 In-Service Teachers’ Process of Plan Monitor Evaluation in Java programming. K12 Posters |
| Talk | | Introducing Theoretical Computer Science in High School Physics Courses from Impossibility and Undecidability ProblemsGlobalK12 Posters |
| Talk | | Glitch Defense: A Computer Game to Teach Cybersecurity Concepts and Broaden Participation in Computing Posters |
| Talk | | Snapgram: matrix multiplications made fun Posters |
| Talk | | Collaborative design of a week-long physiological computing summer camp with elementary teachersK12 Posters |
| Talk | | Examining Student Interest and Motivations in Graduate Computer Science Research Posters |