| 10:00 - 12:00 | |
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| Talk | | Overcoming Illusionary Difficulty in Novice Programming through Metacognitive Skill Enhancement Posters |
| Talk | | An Interactive Tool for Randomized Autogradable Graph Assessments Posters |
| Talk | | Comparing Students' and Teachers' Assessments of Office Hours Posters |
| Talk | | Simulating Requirement Elicitation: Development and Evaluation of a Persona-Based Tool Posters |
| Talk | | A Research-Oriented Course in Developing Tools to Teach AI Posters |
| Talk | | Managing Project Teams in an Online Class of 1000+ Students Posters |
| Talk | | Personalized Parsons Puzzles as Scaffolding Enhance Practice Engagement Over Just Showing LLM-Powered Solutions Posters |
| Talk | | How Good are Large Language Models at Generating Subgoal Labels? Posters |
| Talk | | Teaching Sustainable Computing Through Repair: Case Studies on Curriculum Design Posters |
| Talk | | CS Student Reflections on Equity-Focused Classroom Practices Posters |
| Talk | | Scaffolding Collaborative Software Design with Serious Games Posters |
| Talk | | Peer-led CS1 Review Sessions: Motivation, Sense of Belonging, and Learning Gains Posters |
| Talk | | Exploring CS Education Policy Through the Lens of State Governance Models: Access, Accountability and Authority Posters |
| Talk | | Analyzing Computational Thinking Gameplay: Identifying Struggles and the Role of Experience Posters |
| Talk | | Sociotechnical AI Education Course Design for CS Majors and Non-Majors Posters |
| Talk | | Supporting Students at Scale: Profiling Student Behaviors on Usage and Impact of the Student Support System Posters |
| Talk | | Checkpoint: A Tool for Supporting Terminal-Based Capture-the-Flag Assessments Posters |
| Talk | | How Do Learners Use Scratch Paper When Working On Dynamic Programming Problems? Posters |
| Talk | | Reducing Isolation through Peer-Modeled Posts Posters |
| Talk | | Assessing Course Policy Impacts: Late Course Enrollment and Its Effects on Student Performance and Incomplete Grades Posters |
| Talk | | Three-stage Learning with Portable Online Hands-on Labware for Quantum-based Machine Learning Development Posters |
| Talk | | Leveraging Various Social Media Platforms to Mentor Black Computing Students on Graduate School Opportunities Posters |
| Talk | | Crafting Opportunities: Establishing a Micro-Internship Program for Computing Students Posters |
| Talk | | Co-designing Curriculum to Discuss Environmental Disparities Using Data Science Posters |
| Talk | | No Average User: Covering Accessibility and Inclusion in an HCI Course Posters |
| Talk | | Broadening Participation in CS Research with Scalable Undergraduate Research Mini-Projects Posters |
| Talk | | An LLM-Based Framework for Simulating, Classifying, and Correcting Students’ Programming Knowledge with the SOLO Taxonomy Posters |
| Talk | | Is ACM-W Still Relevant After 30 Years? Exploring the Ongoing Needs of Women and URMs in Computing Posters |
| Talk | | A Systematic Literature Mapping of Early Generative AI Research is CS Education Posters |
| Talk | | Designing Experiential Learning with Beehive Sensor Data into a Non-Relational Database Course Posters |
| Talk | | Self-Disclosure and Beyond: Takeaways from an Online and In-Person Computing Ethics Course Posters |
| Talk | | Quack! Configuring Large Language Models to Serve as Rubber Duck Coding Assistants Posters |
| Talk | | One-on-One Review Intervention for Students Struggling in Discrete Mathematics Posters |
| Talk | | Presenting Computing Accessibility Education Using Experiential Labs Posters |
| Talk | | Persistence in and Change to Computing Majors among Students with Disabilities Posters |
| Talk | | Assessing the Influence of ChatGPT on Student Outcomes in a Models of Computing Course Posters |
| Talk | | Spotting AI Missteps: Students Take on LLM Errors in CS1 Posters |
| Talk | | VRV: A Versatile RISC-V Simulator for Education Posters |
| Talk | | Implementation of Technical Interviews as an Alternative Assessment in a Large Introductory CS Course Posters |
| Talk | | Nudging the Field Towards Justice-Oriented Goals: Committing to CS Education Posters |