Immigration to the US comes with hope and challenges. This duality is particularly pronounced for Hispanic American students, often leading to misconceptions regarding the enduring value of education, especially within Computer Science (CS). This paper introduces two active methodologies designed to help Hispanic American high school students better understand and appreciate the long-term benefits of CS education. These methodologies build on the students’ respect for family and broaden the idea of community. They link the students’ engagement in a Computer Science Principles (CSP) class with their well-being and the positive impact such efforts can have on those around them. With a higher engagement level, students who participated in this research now challenge the stereotype that CS education is only for students of certain ethnicities or socioeconomic backgrounds.
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Thu 27 Feb
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Nicolas Diaz University of Maryland, College Park, Saunak Roy University of Maryland, College Park, Jonathan Beltran University of Maryland, College Park