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Programming instructors often conduct collaborative learning activities, such as Peer Instruction (PI), to enhance student motivation, engagement, and learning gains. However, the impact of group discussion and formation mechanisms on student performance remains unclear. To investigate this, we conducted an 11-session experiment in a large, in-person CS1 course. We employed both random and expertise-balanced grouping methods to examine the efficacy of different group mechanisms and the impact of expert students’ presence on collaborative learning. Our observations revealed complex dynamics within the collaborative learning environment. Among 255 groups, 146 actively engaged in discussions, with 96 of these groups demonstrating improvement for poor-performing students. Interestingly, our analysis revealed that different grouping methods (expertise-balanced or random) did not significantly influence discussion engagement or poor-performing students’ improvement. In our deeper qualitative analysis, we found that struggling students often derived benefits from interactions with expert peers, but this positive effect was not consistent across all groups. We identified challenges that expert students face in peer instruction interactions, highlighting the complexity of leveraging expertise within group discussions.