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Thu 27 Feb 2025 11:41 - 12:00 at Meeting Rooms 315-316 - Cybersecurity Curricular Issues Chair(s): Henry M. Walker

This paper presents and advocates for an initiative to expand access to secure programming education. The Strengthening Workforce Education: Excellence in Programming (SWEEPS) initiative, funded by the National Security Agency (NSA), seeks to advance secure programming and help achieve security aims. SWEEPS establishes a secure programming curriculum and workforce development coalition of seven institutions across two CAE (Center of Academic Excellence) regions (Northeast and Southwest) and five states (California, Maryland, Massachusetts, Indiana, and North Carolina). This coalition includes industry-based stakeholders collaborating with the US Army and government agencies on various projects.

SWEEPS draws on prior work establishing critical concepts in secure programming, assessment tools, learning aids, and system infrastructure. The initiative offers a series of interconnected, stackable learning experiences tailored for early to mid-career professionals looking to enhance their cybersecurity skills. These experiences range from one-day workshops to year-long graduate certificates, providing flexible upskilling opportunities in secure programming.

This paper recommends the efficacy of stackable training approaches in secure programming by exploring the practices of targeting and training individuals with diverse proficiency levels of programming experience who would benefit from increased knowledge and training in secure programming.

Thu 27 Feb

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10:45 - 12:00
Cybersecurity Curricular IssuesPapers at Meeting Rooms 315-316
Chair(s): Henry M. Walker
An Evidence-Based Curriculum Initiative for Hardware Reverse Engineering EducationGlobal
René Walendy Ruhr University Bochum, Max Planck Institute for Security and Privacy, Markus Weber Ruhr University Bochum, Steffen Becker Ruhr University Bochum, Christof Paar Max Planck Institute for Security and Privacy, Nikol Rummel Ruhr University Bochum, Center for Advanced Internet Studies (CAIS)
DOI Pre-print File Attached
Bridging the community college cybersecurity classroom and workplace with the CyberSim LabCC
Rotem Guttman Carnegie Mellon University, Matthew Kisow Community College of Allegheny College, Carolyn Penstein Rose Carnegie Mellon University Language Technologies Institute, William R. Nichols Software Engineering Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, James Winyard Community College of Allegheny College, Bruce Li Carnegie Mellon University, Lee Branstetter Carnegie Mellon University, Lauren Herckis CGFNS International, Inc. and Carnegie Mellon University (On Leave)
Cybersecurity Study Programs: What's in a Name?Global
Jan Vykopal Masaryk University, Valdemar Švábenský Kyushu University, Michael T. Lopez II Ateneo de Manila University, Pavel Čeleda Masaryk University
Strengthening Workforce Education: Excellence in Programming Securely (SWEEPS)
Deborah Kariuki University of Maryland, Baltimore County, Ida Ngambeki University of Maryland Baltimore County, Jun Dai Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Matt Bishop The University of California, Davis, Xiaoyan Sun Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Melissa Dark Dark Enterprises, Inc., Jenny Daugherty Dark Enterprises, Inc., Alex Lowrie University of California, Davis, Markus Geissler Cosumnes River College, Phil Nico California Polytechnic State University, Arshad Noor StrongKey, Inc.