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To meet the challenges posed by generative AI’s ability to solve homework problems and a competitive internship market, CS1 education is evolving to emphasize higher-level problem-solving and systems thinking. In response, a novel experiential learning initiative grounded in High-Impact Practices was introduced to a CS1 course over the course of 2 semesters, involving 133 students. This initiative utilized robotics lab assignments to enhance computational thinking, real-world application, and job market readiness through hands-on programming projects. Emphasizing project-based learning, significant engagement time, and reflective practices, the approach aimed to deepen understanding and engagement. The curriculum included both individual and team projects to develop foundational skills and encourage collaborative problem-solving. We assessed the impact of this initiative against a control group of 439 students in traditional web development labs, using course and instructor evaluations, thematic student reflections, and exam performances. The results indicated a substantial positive effect on learning outcomes, particularly among novices. The experiential learning group demonstrated increased confidence in real-world applications, heightened engagement, and greater computational skill improvement. Notably, they showed a twofold improvement in understanding course topics, as reflected in their exam grades, compared to the control group. These findings underscore the effectiveness of integrating practical, interactive elements into computer science education to align with current technological and professional demands.