SIGCSE TS 2025 (series) / Paul Denny

Registered user since Fri 12 Jun 2020
Name:Paul Denny
Country:New Zealand
Affiliation:The University of Auckland
- KernelVM: Teaching Linux Kernel Programming through a Browser-Based Virtual Machine
- Exploring Student Reactions to LLM-Generated Feedback on Explain in Plain English Problems
- Integrating Small Language Models with Retrieval-Augmented Generation in Computing Education: Key Takeaways, Setup, and Practical Insights
- Investigating the Use of Productive Failure as a Design Paradigm for Learning Introductory Python Programming
- BugSpotter: Automated Generation of Code Debugging Exercises
- On Teaching Novices Computational Thinking by Utilizing Large Language Models Within Assessments
- Evaluating Language Models for Generating and Judging Programming Feedback
- Educator Experiences with Automated Marking of Programming Assessments in a Computer Graphics-based Design Course
- Teaching Program Decomposition in CS1: A Conceptual Framework for Improved Code Quality
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