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Thu 27 Feb 2025 14:41 - 15:00 at Meeting Room 406 - CS Research/Tools Chair(s): Emma R. Dodoo

The CC2020 Report highlights the importance of transitioning from knowledge-based to competency-based CS education. Given that proficient programming is considered a foundational skill for CS majors, some researchers have developed top-down qualitative frameworks for assessing programming competency. However, the lack of quantitative competency models makes it challenging to conduct competency-oriented assessments in CS courses, especially for introductory programming courses such as CS1. To address this challenge, our study tracks the learning activities of 209 students in a CS1 course, including 10 formative tests and 44590 code submissions. The five-channel learning sequences (scores, engagement, code metrics, programming skills, coding style) are established to capture the knowledge, skill, and dispositions of the CS1 competency model for each student, with profiles in each channel characterized by five indicators: mean values, entropy, turbulence, proficiency, and resilience. This approach enables multi-dimensional competency assessment with visualization throughout the learning process, providing timely guidance for both teaching and learning. This work is a preliminary exploration in CS1 towards quantitative programming competency models in CS education via integrating multidimensional data, employing appropriate data granularity, and visualizing observable patterns.

Thu 27 Feb

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13:45 - 15:00
CS Research/ToolsPapers at Meeting Room 406
Chair(s): Emma R. Dodoo University of Michigan
Accelerating Accurate Assignment Authoring Using Solution-Generated Autograders
Geoffrey Challen University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Ben Nordick CodeAwakening, LLC
An Analysis of Students' Testing Processes in CS1
Gonzalo Allen-Perez University of California, San Diego, Luis Millan University of California, San Diego, Brandon Nghiem University of California, San Diego, Kevin Wu University of California, San Diego, Anshul Shah University of California, San Diego, Adalbert Gerald Soosai Raj University of California San Diego
Diagnosable Code Duplication in Introductory ProgrammingGlobal
Anna Rechtackova Masaryk University Brno, Radek Pelánek Masaryk University Brno
Towards a Quantitative Competency Model for CS1 via Five-Channel Learning Sequences
Zhizezhang Gao Northwest Unviersity, Can Cui Northwest Unviersity, haochen yan Northwest University, Jiaqi Liu Northwest University, Xia Sun Northwest University, fengjun Northwest Unviersity