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In an increasingly data-driven world, a core set of data literacy skills are needed to enable individuals and society collectively to make informed decisions. In this experience report we present the Toolkit for Educators of Data Science, a novel combination of hardware and software that empowers children in K-12 to experience the data science lifecycle by collecting, analysing, and visualising their own local environmental data.

Through exploratory studies in two classrooms involving five teachers and 100 children aged 7 to 11, we experienced the following. (1) Collecting live data from the local environment with our tools provided children with high levels of agency, engagement and focus, (2) Educators stated how using the technology gave the data purpose and gave students a new perception and experience of computing; data started to have meaning because of the real world application across the curriculum. (3) The offline, standalone design of our toolkit empowers teachers by overcoming practical issues often associated with delivering data science lessons in schools.