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For students learning to write code, developing strong coding skills and cultivating proper code quality and style habits early on are crucial for success in subsequent courses and for preparing students for professional work. TA-Bot, an automated assessment tool, incorporates beginner-friendly style suggestions wrapped around an industry-standard static analysis tool, code correctness testing, and an innovative rate-limiting system. Time Between Submissions (``TBS'') rate-limiting works in conjunction with a gamified incentive mechanism designed to motivate students to start weekly assignments earlier. Our hypothesis posited that this incentive, when combined with the inherent effects of TBS, would not only encourage students to initiate assignments sooner but also prompt them to address more style-related issues and produce higher quality code.

The TBS system resulted in a substantial and positive shift in student submission patterns. Students began their work earlier, resulting in a higher number of resolved code style issues. When employing dynamic rate-limiting, students not only rectified more errors but also produced superior quality submissions, leading to faster assignment completion compared to the control group. Additionally, we observed a positive impact on student code style as the semester progressed, despite the increasing complexity of assignments. Lastly, we highlight a significant proportion of students who exhibited continuous improvement in their code style, even after successfully passing all correctness test cases. Notably, this improvement persisted even though style was not factored into the assignment grading process.