Introducing Computational Thinking and Computer Science Instruction to Preservice Science and Math TeachersK12
This program is tentative and subject to change.
Despite widespread recognition of the importance of computer science (CS) education and an increased focus on computational thinking (CT) instruction in the U.S., there remains a significant shortage of qualified K-12 CS teachers. Preparing preservice teachers to teach CS is essential for ensuring a sustainable future for CS education. This experience report presents a CT/CS module initiative designed to prepare secondary preservice science and math teachers to teach CT/CS through an instructional methods course that integrates instructional practice within an elementary after-school program. This initiative employs the preservice teacher preparation framework (Mason & Rich, 2019) that includes the observe-practice-reflect cycle. Within this framework, the preservice teachers began with incorporating unplugged lessons and then transitioned to robotics to teach CT/CS concepts. In this experience report, we detail the design and implementation of this CT/CS module initiative and share findings that revealed the preservice teachers’ increased confidence, adaptations in lesson planning, and the challenges faced in teaching CT/CS. These takeaways aim to inspire and inform other teacher educators and practitioners working to prepare the next generation of CS teachers.