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Sat 1 Mar 2025 11:03 - 11:22 at Meeting Rooms 315-316 - K-12 Teachers Chair(s): Yesenia Velasco

Recent calls to re-imagine K-12 computer science teacher education have proposed a critical vision of pre-service K-12 computer science (CS) teacher education built on equity, justice, and ethics. Building on these calls, this position paper demonstrates how critical perspectives can be incorporated into K-12 CS teacher education programs by integrating texts from Science and Technology studies. Central to this approach is allowing teachers to gain proficiency in CS content while reading critical perspectives and navigating the tensions of the transformative and oppressive nature of technology as they imagine their future pedagogy. By integrating the typically separated strands of pedagogy, content, and justice, pre-service teachers were empowered to re-imagine what computer science would look like for their students. This paper will conclude by discussing how a Science and Technology Studies approach could be used for entire course sequences in CS teacher preparation programs and preliminary feedback from teachers in the first iteration of this curriculum.

Sat 1 Mar

Displayed time zone: Eastern Time (US & Canada) change

10:45 - 12:00
K-12 TeachersPapers at Meeting Rooms 315-316
Chair(s): Yesenia Velasco Duke University

Chairs: TBD

Can GPT Help? Supporting Teachers to Brainstorm Customized Instructional Scratch ProjectsK12
Minh Tran University of Chicago, David Gonzalez-Maldonado University of Chicago, Elaine Zhou University of Chicago, Diana Franklin University of Chicago
Exploring Critical CS Teacher Education Program Design Through a Science and Technology Studies ApproachK12
Brendan Henrique University of California, Berkeley
K12 Computer Science Teachers’ Attitudes Toward a Foundational Assumption of EthnocomputingK12
Michael Lachney Michigan State University, Hyein Jee Michigan State University, Andrew Lapentina University of Detroit Mercy, Richard Hill University of Detroit Mercy, Madison Allen Kuyenga Michigan State University, Aman Yadav Michigan State University
Teacher Decisions and Perspectives in Scratch TIPP&SEE ImplementationK12
Jonathan Liu University of Chicago, Erica Goodwin University of Chicago, Dana Saito-Stehberger University of California, Irvine, Sharin Jacob Digital Promise, Mark Warschauer University of California, Irvine, Diana Franklin University of Chicago