Registered user since Thu 14 Apr 2016
I am Associate Professor in Computer Engineering at the Federico II University of Naples, Italy. My research interests are in the field of software security and dependability. The main recurring theme of my research activity is the experimental injection of faults, attacks, and stressful conditions.
My research topics include: fuzzing and static analysis; red teaming, adversary emulation, cyber ranges; cyber threat intelligence; machine learning techniques for security; fault injection, robustness testing, dependability benchmarking; software aging and rejuvenation; applications in operating systems and in cloud, mobile, embedded, and virtualization technologies.
In 2022, I received the DSN Rising Star in Dependability Award from the IEEE Technical Committee on Dependable Computing and Fault Tolerance (TCFT) and the IFIP Working Group 10.4 on Dependable Computing and Fault Tolerance, for research achievements within 10 years after PhD graduation.