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Matthew Barr

Registered user since Tue 7 Jul 2020

Name:Matthew Barr

Dr Matthew Barr is a Senior Lecturer in the University of Glasgow’s School of Computing Science, where he is the head of the Education & Practice section. Matt is also Programme Director for the Graduate Apprenticeship in Software Engineering and co-director of the University’s Games and Gaming Lab. He was appointed Director of Education for SICSA (the Scottish Informatics & Computer Science Alliance) in 2021 and is a founding editor of the journal, Open Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. He previously served as Vice Chair of British DiGRA (the Digital Games Research Association) and as a Trustee and Director of the Scottish Game Developers Association. Until 2022, Matt was a member of the BAFTA Scotland Committee, where he acted as the Games Jury Chair. His book, Graduate Skills and Game-Based Learning, was published with Palgrave in 2019. Matt is also the founder of the Ada Scotland Festival, which aims to improve gender balance in Computing Science education across Scotland.

Country:United Kingdom
Affiliation:University of Glasgow
Research interests:Work-based learning, Appenticeships, Employability, Graduate Skills, Game-based Learning


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