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This program is tentative and subject to change.

Enrollment in CS courses and programs continues to be high. According to the 2023 CRA Taulbee Survey enrollment in CS programs continued to be high with another consecutive year with a double-digit percentage increase in the number of bachelor degrees awarded. Diversity in CS programs is also increasing. To meet this increasingly diverse demand, many Ph.D. granting departments have added or are actively recruiting full-time teaching faculty (typically with academic rank) to their faculty. Many institutions have recently created career ladders and promotion processes for teaching faculty. This whole-day event will focus on the professional development of teaching-focused faculty (teaching professor, professor of practice, instructor, clinical faculty, lecturer, etc.) in Ph.D. granting departments. The event fills a crucial need as many departments still have limited experience on how to mentor, evaluate, and promote teaching-focused faculty. The sessions will focus on how teaching faculty can strategize their involvement in departmental service, research and other scholarship activities, and leadership. We will also discuss strategies for promotion and advancement. The event will begin with networking activities as participants share questions and concerns to guide the activities of the day. These questions will guide panel discussions and small-group interactions with the panelists. Participants will then have the opportunity to choose between several concurrent mini-workshops on various professional development topics such as creating a teaching portfolio, selecting service activities, or grant writing.

This program is tentative and subject to change.

Wed 26 Feb

Displayed time zone: Eastern Time (US & Canada) change

08:30 - 15:00
Professional Development Pre-Symposium Event for Teaching-Track FacultyAffiliated Events at Meeting Rooms 317-318

Event URL: TBA

Professional Development Pre-Symposium Event for Teaching-Track Faculty
Affiliated Events
Geoffrey Herman University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Borja Sotomayor University of Chicago, A: Jennifer Campbell University of Toronto, Lisa Yan University of California, Berkeley, Logan Paul Indiana University Bloomington, Jeffrey Turkstra Purdue University