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Sat 1 Mar 2025 11:41 - 12:00 at Meeting Rooms 310-311 - High School Chair(s): Pedro Guillermo Feijóo-García

In this paper, we describe a CS+Social Science Python project that can be integrated directly into high school classrooms, enabling students to explore social science questions using computer science. The project uses the pandas library and Google Colab to give students an authentic experience with data science tools. We present teachers’ experiences and students feedback from implementing the project in three high school classes, one non-STEM class and two AP CS classes. The project is designed to be simple enough for students with no background to succeed, but creative and open-ended enough to allow students with experience to develop their skills further. Students from both courses report the project was interesting and useful. Our work builds upon the body of literature examining ways to include CS in non-STEM high school courses, but also appears to fit well into CS curricula.

Sat 1 Mar

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10:45 - 12:00
High SchoolPapers at Meeting Rooms 310-311
Chair(s): Pedro Guillermo Feijóo-García Georgia Institute of Technology
Addressing the Computer Science Teacher Shortage: A Case Study of Wisconsin Public High SchoolsK12
Sujeeth Goud Ramagoni Marquette University, Dennis Brylow Marquette University
Developing Computing Lessons for Rural High School StudentsK12
Nathan H. Bean Kansas State University, Friday James Kansas State University, Timothy Tucker Kansas State University, Yihong Theis Kansas State University, Joshua Weese Kansas State University, Russell Feldhausen Kansas State University
Developing Interest, Skills and Professional Dispositions in Computing and Engineering through a Multidisciplinary Enrichment Program for High School StudentsGlobalK12
G. Ayorkor Korsah Ashesi University, Nathan Amanquah Ashesi University
Integrating a CS+Social Science Project into STEM and non-STEM High School CoursesK12
Kathleen Isenegger University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Max Fowler University of Illinois, Daphane Hammer Champaign Central High School, Benjamin Leff University of Illinois Laboratory High School, Yael Gertner University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Raya Hegeman-Davis University of Wyoming, Leonard Pitt University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign