Improving Agile Retrospectives through Metacognitive ScaffoldingGlobalBest Paper
The retrospective is a crucial component of the agile software development process. In previous studies of retrospectives in undergraduate team software development projects, students exhibited limited and shallow reflection. We speculate that this is due to students’ limited exposure to these practices and the absence of clear guidance for engaging in reflection. This study presents an empirical comparison of a standard retrospective model against an enhanced retrospective model that scaffolds deeper levels of metacognition and critical thinking. While both models facilitated team discussion on similar software development topics, we identified statistically significant differences in the reflection quality of students who used the enhanced retrospective model, which promoted higher levels of justification, consideration of more critiqued and discussed strategies, and more nuanced discussions. These findings contribute to improving software engineering education and agile processes by demonstrating the efficacy of an enhanced pedagogical model for team retrospectives. In addition, our findings identify opportunities to further enhance reflection in team software development projects through more frequent and focused metacognitive prompting at strategic points in the process
Fri 28 FebDisplayed time zone: Eastern Time (US & Canada) change
13:45 - 15:00 | Live Coding and TeamworkPapers at Meeting Rooms 403-405 Chair(s): Ahana Ghosh Max Planck Institute for Software Systems | ||
13:45 18mTalk | Examining Teamwork: Evaluating Individual Contributions in Collaborative Software Engineering Projects Papers | ||
14:03 18mTalk | Improving Agile Retrospectives through Metacognitive ScaffoldingGlobalBest Paper Papers Ahsun Tariq Oregon State University, Phillip Conrad University of California, Santa Barbara, Chris Hundhausen Oregon State University, USA, Andrew Yu University of California Santa Barbara, Olusola Adesope Washington State University | ||
14:22 18mTalk | Live But Not Active: Minimal Effect with Passive Live Coding Papers Andrea Watkins University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Amber Settle DePaul University, Craig S. Miller DePaul University, Eric Schwabe DePaul University | ||
14:41 18mTalk | Live Coding Prompts Engagement, But Not Necessarily GradesGlobal Papers Hanxiang Du Western Washington University, Dion Udokop Western Washington University, Bo Pei University of South Florida |