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Thu 27 Feb 2025 11:03 - 11:22 at Meeting Rooms 306-307 - Discrete Math Chair(s): Michael Miljanovic

Background: Proof Blocks is a software tool that enables stu- dents to construct proofs by assembling prewritten lines and gives them automated feedback. Prior work on learning gains from Proof Blocks has focused on comparing learning gains from Proof Blocks against other learning activities such as writing proofs or reading. Purpose: The study described in this paper aims to compare learn- ing gains from variations of Proof Blocks. Specifically, we attempt to quantify the difference in learning gains for students who com- plete Proof Blocks problems with and without distractor lines. Methods: We conducted a randomized controlled trial with three experimental groups: a control group that completed an off-topic Proof Blocks activity, one that completed a Proof Blocks activity without distractor lines, and one that completed a Proof Blocks activity with distractor lines. All three groups read a book chapter on proof by induction before completing their activity. Findings: The group that completed the Proof Blocks activity with distractors performed better on the posttest than the group that completed the Proof Blocks without distractors, who in turn per- formed better than the group that completed the off-topic Proof Blocks activity. However, none of these differences were statisti- cally significant. While the results are consistent with the idea that distractors could be beneficial for learning, future work will need to confirm.

Thu 27 Feb

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10:45 - 12:00
Discrete MathPapers at Meeting Rooms 306-307
Chair(s): Michael Miljanovic Ontario Tech University
Mathematical underpinnings of algorithms via in-class activities
Ivona Bezakova Rochester Institute of Technology
Measuring the Impact of Distractors on Student Learning Gains while Using Proof Blocks
Seth Poulsen Utah State University, Hongxuan Chen University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Yael Gertner University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Benjamin Cosman University of California at San Diego, USA, Matthew West University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign , Geoffrey Herman University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Satisfactory for all: supporting mastery learning with human-in-the-loop assessments in a discrete math course
Shao-Heng Ko Duke University, Alex Chao Duke University, Violet Pang Duke University
Students' Thoughts on Discrete Mathematics: Insights for Practice and Implications for Future Research
David Magda University of Florida, Christina Gardner-McCune Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA