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Sat 1 Mar 2025 11:22 - 11:41 at Meeting Rooms 310-311 - High School Chair(s): Pedro Guillermo Feijóo-García

This paper is an experience report on a program involving robotics and engineering that has been run for several years with high-school students at a university in Ghana. Since 2014, we have hosted, on our university campus, an annual two-week enrichment program that employs design thinking, leadership training, entrepreneurship, robotics, engineering and the creative arts, to inspire high school students to become innovative, creative problem-solvers. The hands-on robotics and engineering modules are a key part of the program, used to enhance students’ interest in computer science and engineering, and their awareness of careers in these fields. The goal is to expand the pool of promising young people from the developing world who can join the ranks of creators, rather than simply be consumers of technological solutions. The highlight of the experience is when participants are presented with a final challenge related to a real-world and contextually relevant scenario. The students work in teams to create solutions to the challenge. The achievements of these students during the short period of the enrichment program, and anecdotal reports on the long-term impact of this program, shows great promise of what can be achieved with the right conditions.

Sat 1 Mar

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10:45 - 12:00
High SchoolPapers at Meeting Rooms 310-311
Chair(s): Pedro Guillermo Feijóo-García Georgia Institute of Technology
Addressing the Computer Science Teacher Shortage: A Case Study of Wisconsin Public High SchoolsK12
Sujeeth Goud Ramagoni Marquette University, Dennis Brylow Marquette University
Developing Computing Lessons for Rural High School StudentsK12
Nathan H. Bean Kansas State University, Friday James Kansas State University, Timothy Tucker Kansas State University, Yihong Theis Kansas State University, Joshua Weese Kansas State University, Russell Feldhausen Kansas State University
Developing Interest, Skills and Professional Dispositions in Computing and Engineering through a Multidisciplinary Enrichment Program for High School StudentsGlobalK12
G. Ayorkor Korsah Ashesi University, Nathan Amanquah Ashesi University
Integrating a CS+Social Science Project into STEM and non-STEM High School CoursesK12
Kathleen Isenegger University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Max Fowler University of Illinois, Daphane Hammer Champaign Central High School, Benjamin Leff University of Illinois Laboratory High School, Yael Gertner University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Raya Hegeman-Davis University of Wyoming, Leonard Pitt University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign