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This paper describes experiences from a university faculty member who used service learning while teaching a high school course in AP Computer Science A (APCSA) over three years. In 2016 the College Board and created a program called AP with We. This program provides background information on service learning and two social topics: access to healthcare and access to education. Students enrolled in this program who meet the requirements of completing a student-selected service project and passing the AP Exam are provided recognition on their College Board transcript. This paper does not address quantitative measurements in either course or AP Exam proficiency. Instead it offers qualitative accounts of increased student motivation and engagement. This increase was not only concerned to the service project topic, but also in computer science related topics both related and unrelated to the APCSA curriculum. We hope these experiences will help motivate all faculty, K12, as well as university-level, to include a service learning component in their courses. The paper presents an overview of the APWE service program, student results, faculty benefits, insights into what worked and what did not work, and potential application to university level courses.