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Fri 28 Feb 2025 14:03 - 14:22 at Meeting Rooms 315-316 - Assessment #1 Chair(s): Priyanka Kumar

In a typical introductory programming course, grading student- submitted programs involves an autograder which compiles and runs the programs and tests their functionality with predefined test cases, with no attention to the source code. However, in an educational setting, grading based on inspection of the source code is required for two main reasons (1) awarding partial marks to ‘partially correct’ code that may be failing the testcase check (2) awarding marks (or penalties) based on source code quality or spe- cific criteria that the instructor may have laid out in the problem statement (e.g. ‘implement sorting using bubble-sort’). However, grading based on studying the source code can be highly time con- suming when the course has a large enrollment. In this paper we present the design and evaluation of an AI Assistant for source code grading, which we have named TA Buddy. TA Buddy is powered by Code LLama, a large language model especially trained for code related tasks, which we fine-tuned using a graded programs dataset. Given a problem statement, student code submissions and a grading rubric, TA Buddy can be asked to generate suggested grades, i.e. rat- ings for the various rubric criteria, for each submission. The human teaching assistant (TA) can then accept or overrule these grades. We evaluated the TA Buddy-assisted manual grading against ‘pure’ manual grading and found that the time taken to grade reduced by 24% while maintaining grade agreement in the two cases at 90%.

Fri 28 Feb

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13:45 - 15:00
Assessment #1Papers at Meeting Rooms 315-316
Chair(s): Priyanka Kumar University of Texas at San Antonio
A Multi-Institutional Assessment of Oral Exams in Software Courses
Peter Ohmann College of St. Benedict / St. John's University, Ed Novak Franklin and Marshall College
Design and Evaluation of an AI-Assisted Grading Tool for Introductory Programming Assignments: An Experience ReportGlobal
Goda Nagakalyani IIT BOMBAY, Saurav Chaudhary Indian Institute of technology - Bombay, Varsha Apte Indian Institute of technology - Bombay, Ganesh Ramakrishnan Indian Institute of technology - Bombay, Srikanth Tamilselvam IBM India Research Labs
Designing LLM-Resistant Programming Assignments: Insights and Strategies for CS Educators
Bradley McDanel Franklin and Marshall College, Ed Novak Franklin and Marshall College
Exploring Different Specifications Grading PoliciesGlobal
Igor dos Santos Montagner Insper, Rafael Corsi Ferrao Insper , Craig Zilles University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Mariana Silva University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign