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Sat 1 Mar 2025 14:03 - 14:22 at Meeting Room 407 - K-12 Professional Development Chair(s): Charu A. Khurana

The “Computer Science for All” initiative advocates for universal access to computer science (CS) instruction. A key strategy toward this end has been to establish CS content standards outlining what all students should have the opportunity to learn. Standards can support curriculum quality and access to quality CS instruction, but only if they are used to inform curriculum design and instructional practice. Professional learning offered to teachers of CS has typically focused on learning to implement a specific curriculum, rather than deepening understanding of CS concepts. We set out to develop a set of educative resources, formative assessment tools and teacher professional development (PD) sessions to support middle school CS teachers’ knowledge of CS standards and standards-aligned formative assessment literacy. Our PD and associated resources focus on five CS standards in the Algorithm and Programming strand and are meant to support teachers using any CS curriculum or programming language. In this experience report, we share what we learned from implementing our standards-based PD with four middle school CS teachers. Teachers initially perceived standards as irrelevant to their teaching but they came to appreciate how a deeper understanding of CS concepts could enhance their instructional practice. Analysis of PD observations and exit surveys, teacher interviews, and teacher responses to a survey assessing CS pedagogical content knowledge demonstrated the complexity of using content standards as a driver of high-quality CS instruction at the middle school level, and reinforced our position that more standards-focused PD is needed.

Sat 1 Mar

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13:45 - 15:00
K-12 Professional DevelopmentPapers at Meeting Room 407
Chair(s): Charu A. Khurana Amazon Web Services
How a Small College Can Make a Big Impact on High School CSK12Best Paper
James Matthews Siena College, Robin Flatland Siena College, Kathryn Schiller University at Albany, Jesse Moya Siena College, Pauline White Siena College
Implementing Standards-Focused Professional Development for Middle School CS Teachers: An Experience ReportK12
Carol Tate SRI International, Satabdi Basu SRI International, Arif Rachmatullah SRI International, Hui Yang SRI International, Daisy Rutstein edCount, LLC
Introducing K-12 Teachers to Computer Science Education through an Online Micro-credential: An Experience ReportK12
Shan Zhang University of Florida, Nicole Hutchins University of Florida, Joanne R. Barrett University of Florida, Anthony Botelho University of Florida, Maya Israel University of Florida
Preparing K-8 Teachers to Teach and Infuse Computer Science Across All SubjectsMSIK12
Angela Williams-Nash East Orange School District, Sumi Hagiwara department of Teaching and Learning, Montclair State University, Katherine G. Herbert Montclair State University, Thomas Marlowe Seton Hall University, Rebecca Goldstein Montclair State University, Vaibhav Anu Montclair State University