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This program is tentative and subject to change.

Sat 1 Mar 2025 10:45 - 11:03 at Meeting Room 406 - Upper-level Undergraduate Courses

Quantum Computing is generating significant excitement within the interdisciplinary academic community, government, and industry. Despite rapid growth in the area, formal education in nonclassical computing is limited or absent in many computer science programs. Among the contributing factors is the cutting-edge nature of the field and, until somewhat recently, lack of available platforms for development.

Consequently, many computer science graduates will enter the field with little or no background, or even conversational fluency in basic quantum principles. In the near term this will hinder broader adoption of quantum technologies, and will leave interested students underprepared for possible careers in the area or continued studies in graduate school.

This experience report details the creation of a new course in Quantum Programming at a mid-sized, regional comprehensive university from initial conception to deployment. This work differs from previous treatments, as the professor came into the project without any background in quantum computing or physics. The course was written from a software-development perspective and is intended for a post-secondary audience from interdisciplinary, technical backgrounds.

The course was successfully deployed in the fall semester of 2022 with positive reactions by both students and the professor. The author hopes that this project will add to the growing body of literature in this area, and serve as a template for other educators.

Dr. Guerin is an experienced educator with over 15 years of experience in undergraduate education. His areas of interest include logic programming and logic foundations of artificial intelligence, and most recently quantum computing. Outside the classroom he is a proud father of two and competing strongman.

This program is tentative and subject to change.

Sat 1 Mar

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10:45 - 12:00
Upper-level Undergraduate CoursesPapers at Meeting Room 406
Creating a Quantum Programming Course from Scratch: A Computer Science Professor’s Journey
Joshua T. Guerin University of Northern Colorado
Diary study as an educational tool: An experience report from an HCI course
Jixiang Fan Virginia Tech, Derek Haqq Virginia Tech, Morva Saaty Virginia Tech, Wei Lu Wang Virginia Tech, Scott McCrickard Virginia Tech
Students' Use of GitHub Copilot for Working with Large Code Bases
Anshul Shah University of California, San Diego, Anya Chernova University of California, San Diego, Elena Tomson University of California, San Diego, Leo Porter University of California San Diego, William Griswold UC San Diego, Adalbert Gerald Soosai Raj University of California San Diego
Teaching Cloud Infrastructure and Scalable Application Deployment in an Undergraduate Computer Science Program
Aditya Saligrama Stanford University, Cody Ho Stanford University, Benjamin Tripp Stanford University, Michael Abbott Stanford University, Christos Kozyrakis Stanford University, USA