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This program is tentative and subject to change.

Sat 1 Mar 2025 13:45 - 14:03 at Meeting Room 407 - K-12 Professional Development

At SIGCSE 2022 we reported on a National Science Foundation (NSF) funded CSforAll:RPP project to develop comprehensive and sustained college/high school partnerships focused on building computer science (CS) teacher capacity and broadening participation in high school CS classrooms. The partnerships involve a wide range of districts including high-needs and small rural ones. In this paper we first provide an update on this distinctive and successful project. Grant funding ended in December 2022, however the project continues to grow and evolve. Led by faculty at a small liberal arts college, some of the results are stunning and demonstrate the impact a small college can have. For example, in the last three years the number of partner school districts has increased from 23 to 59. The teacher retention rate is 95%, with the most veteran teachers belonging to the partnership for almost ten years. This update includes analyses that incorporates two additional years of data on student experiences in their CS classes. Second, we provide suggestions and hopefully encouragement for replicating this work. The project provides a model that can be used by other colleges and universities for building long-term partnerships with schools to improve CS education. Important components of this model include summer and school year professional development (PD), curriculum and support for four CS courses, a dual-enrollment program, teacher CS certification pathways, and a professional learning community. We identify opportunities and challenges for those interested in developing a similar program.

This program is tentative and subject to change.

Sat 1 Mar

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13:45 - 15:00
K-12 Professional DevelopmentPapers at Meeting Room 407
How a Small College Can Make a Big Impact on High School CSK12
James Matthews Siena College, Robin Flatland Siena College, Kathryn Schiller University at Albany, Jesse Moya Siena College, Pauline White Siena College
Implementing Standards-Focused Professional Development for Middle School CS Teachers: An Experience ReportK12
Carol Tate SRI International, Satabdi Basu SRI International, Arif Rachmatullah SRI International, Hui Yang SRI International, Daisy Rutstein edCount, LLC
Introducing K-12 Teachers to Computer Science Education through an Online Micro-credential: An Experience ReportK12
Shan Zhang University of Florida, Nicole Hutchins University of Florida, Joanne R. Barrett University of Florida, Anthony Botelho University of Florida, Maya Israel University of Florida
Preparing K-8 Teachers to Teach and Infuse Computer Science Across All SubjectsMSIK12
Angela Williams-Nash East Orange School District, Sumi Hagiwara department of Teaching and Learning, Montclair State University, Katherine G. Herbert Montclair State University, Thomas Marlowe Seton Hall University, Rebecca Goldstein Montclair State University, Vaibhav Anu Montclair State University