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Fri 28 Feb 2025 11:41 - 12:00 at Meeting Rooms 306-307 - K-12 Curriculum Chair(s): Bill Siever

We explore the role of quizzes in elementary visual programming domains popularly used for K-8 computing education. Prior work has studied various quiz types, such as fill-in-the-gap write-code questions and Parson’s problems. However, the overall impact of these quizzes is unclear: studies often show utility in the learning phase when enhanced with quizzes, though limited transfer of utility in the post-learning phase. In this paper, we aim to better understand the impact of different quiz types and whether quizzes focusing on diverse skills (e.g., code debugging and task design) would have higher utility. We design a study with Hour of Code: Maze Challenge by as the base curriculum, interleaved with different quiz types. Specifically, we examine two learning groups: (i) HoCACE with diverse quizzes including solution tracing, code debugging, code equivalence, and task design; (ii) HoCFill with simple quizzes on solution finding. We conducted a large-scale study with 405 students in grades 6–7 across 17 schools. Our results highlight that the curriculum enhanced with richer quizzes led to better engagement during the learning phase and higher utility during the post-learning phase.

Fri 28 Feb

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10:45 - 12:00
K-12 CurriculumPapers at Meeting Rooms 306-307
Chair(s): Bill Siever Washington University in St. Louis
A Case Study of Elementary Teachers’ Enactment of an NGSS-Aligned Computer Science Lesson: Verbal Support of Science, Engineering, Mathematics, and Computer Science IntegrationK12
Sarah Lilly University of Virginia, Anne McAlister University of Virginia, Jennifer Chiu University of Virginia
Detecting AI-Generated Pseudocode in High School Online Programming Courses Using an Explainable ApproachK12
Zifeng Liu University of Florida, Xinyue Jiao New York University, Wanli Xing University of Florida, Wangda Zhu University of Florida
Curriculum for a Comprehensive Statewide In-Service CS Teacher Training ProgramK12
Sarah Diesburg University of Northern Iowa, J. Ben Schafer University of Northern Iowa, Briana B. Morrison University of Virginia
Exploring the Impact of Quizzes Interleaved with Write-Code Tasks in Elementary-Level Visual ProgrammingGlobalK12
Ahana Ghosh Max Planck Institute for Software Systems, Liina Malva Max Planck Institute for Software Systems, Alkis Gotovos Max Planck Institute for Software Systems, Danial Hooshyar Tallinn University, Adish Singla Max Planck Institute for Software Systems