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Visa Support LettersTue 22 Oct 2024

Visa Support Letters

The ACM is able to provide visa support letters for in-person participation to individuals attending the conference, as well as authors with accepted papers or posters, and members of the conference committee. All requests should go to supportletters@acm.org with the following information:

  • Your name as it appears on your passport
  • Your current postal mailing address
  • The name of the conference you are registering for. Only accepted authors may request a visa support letter prior to registering for the conference.
  • Your registration confirmation number
  • If you have any papers accepted for the conference, please provide the title and indicate whether you are the “sole author” or a “co-author”
  • Authors may indicate their paper title. If no paper, speakers can provide the title of their presentation

Please allow up to 10 business days to receive a letter. All requests are handled in the order they are received.