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The Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE TS) is organized by the ACM Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE) and is the organization’s flagship conference. The SIGCSE Technical Symposium addresses problems common among educators working to develop, implement and/or evaluate computing programs, curricula, and courses. The symposium provides a forum for sharing new ideas for syllabi, laboratories, and other elements of teaching and pedagogy, at all levels of instruction. The symposium provides a diverse selection of technical sessions and opportunities for learning and interaction.

SIGCSE TS 2025 will be held from February 26 - March 01, 2025, at the David L. Lawrence Convention Center in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. SIGCSE TS 2025 will be primarily an in-person conference, though there will be limited online participation options.

Hybrid Options for 2025

SIGCSE TS 2025 will continue to be a hybrid event. Some aspects of the conference will be only available to in-person attendees. However, online participants will be able to participate in:

  • Keynotes
  • A selection of panels and special sessions
  • A selection of live online paper presentations
  • A selection of online tutorials
  • Nifty Assignments
  • The legendary SIGCSE Coffee Break Show
  • The online conference communication platform

Our hope is that this will give everyone an opportunity to present their research at the 2025 SIGCSE Technical Symposium, even if they are unable to travel, and that it will provide an affordable option to enjoy some of the symposium’s content for those that can’t attend in person. The remaining aspects of SIGCSE TS 2025—including BoFs, Demos, Lightning Talks, Posters, and the ACM Student Research Competition—will be offered only in person.

Authors of accepted submissions will be required to present their work in-person at the conference, except for a limited number of papers and tutorials that are scheduled to be virtual.

Submission Information

We will be using EasyChair for SIGCSE TS 2025.

We are not requiring ACM TAPS for SIGCSE TS 2025.

We will be using the ACM two-column format for papers, posters, panels, special sessions, lightning talks, demos, and the ACM SRC. Tutorials and Birds-of-a-feather submissions will now use forms rather than PDFs. Nifty will continue to expect a zipped folder.

Submission Link:

Reviewing Information

To volunteer to review for SIGCSE TS 2025, please visit If you are not sure whether or not you have already volunteered to review, please send email to

New for 2025

SIGCSE-Style Workshops are now called Tutorials: We are now referring to these three-hour interactive sessions as “Tutorials”. The submission and review process will otherwise be the same as they were last year. (Explanation: We’ve heard some confusion between SIGCSE-Style Workshops and “Workshops” that are intended to be a collection of papers.)

New/clarified AI Policies: Please visit the Policies on Generative AI, LLMs, and Related Tools menu item under the Info menu for more details.

Clarifications on Paper Tracks: We’ve set up a new menu item, Choosing a Track, to provide information on which paper track might be most appropriate. Also feel free to reach out to the program chairs at

Earlier Deadlines: Unfortunately, with SIGCSE TS occurring about three weeks earlier this year than last year, as well as the ever-increasing number of submissions, we have had to move the paper deadlines to mid/late July.

Important Deadlines

Round One Papers, Panels, Special Sessions, Tutorials
Abstract Due Date (Papers Only) Sunday, 14 July 2024
Abstract Due Time (Papers Only) 23:59 AoE (Anywhere on Earth, UTC-12h)
Round One Due Date Sunday, 21 July 2024
Round One Due Time    23:59 AoE (Anywhere on Earth, UTC-12h)
Round One Notification to Authors    Monday, 30 September 2024 tentative
Round One final submissions due   Sunday, 17 November 2024
Round Two ACM Student Research Competition, Affiliated Events, BoFs, Demos, Lightning Talks, Nifty Assignments, Posters
Round Two Due Date Monday, 14 October 2024
Round Two Due Time 23:59 AoE (Anywhere on Earth, UTC-12h)
Round Two Notification to Authors    Monday, 18 November 2024 tentative
Round Two Final Submissions Due    Sunday 8 December 2024